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5 Remote Work Challenges and How to Overcome Them

It’s not a well-kept secret. Workers and companies both benefit from flexible schedules and working from home. In a recent survey, 70 percent of respondents replied that remote work has positively affected their work-life balance. However, just as there are many benefits to hybrid and fully remote workplaces, the list of remote work challenges is just as long.

For some employees, working from home comes naturally. For others, the drastic change in the environment harms productivity and lowers morale. When employees struggle, companies experience disruption in their processes and higher employee turnover. 

There’s no doubt that failing to recognize remote work challenges can be costly for both employer and employee. However, bringing them to the surface and finding solutions can build productive employees and thriving companies. So, let’s discuss remote work challenges and how to overcome them.

Is My Video On? Technical Challenges 

The technical team and employees must work together to ensure they have the software and the hardware to do their jobs safely and securely.

Employees who work in the office don’t need to worry about having a computer, an internet connection, or software to do their job. It’s all there when they arrive. A remote work setup isn’t as straightforward.

Technicians need to check each employee’s remote work setup in person, if possible — or at least through a video call. 

Companies need to think past the initial setup too. Disruptions and technical hiccups happen. An experienced technical team that can respond quickly  is worth its weight in gold.

Should I Download This? Limiting Security Risks

Having the technical team in place to support out of office employees can solve a lot of remote work challenges as they happen. 

However, external forces with ill intent can jeopardize your business’ security even if your team does everything correctly

Fortunately, a few practices can reduce security risks. Read Com Pro’s Working from Home Security Checklist for more in-depth information, but at the very least, we recommend:

  • Installing antivirus software across all devices 
  • Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to make connections
  • Installing device trackers

These practices, along with vigilance and an exceptional technical team, will hopefully be enough to pacify security problems that come up.

When is the Deadline? Time Management and Productivity Challenges

A secure work environment with proper equipment puts telecommuting employees in a spot to succeed. They can focus on work and meet their deadlines without the usual distractions at the office, right?

 Well, not exactly.

Working from home poses different challenges to focus and productivity. Distractions like video games, social media, online shopping and adorable pets are more accessible at home. Let’s not forget roommates and family members who find ways to interrupt at the worst possible moments.

Addressing this challenge takes tact. Constant reminders from managers can be disruptive (and annoying), but work needs to get done. So, here are a few tips for managing productivity:

  • Communicate reasonable expectations and make deadlines clear from the start.
  • Encourage routines and schedules that include strict work hours with breaks and lunchtimes.
  • Use project management and collaboration tools to track project deadlines and tasks. It creates clarity, promotes accountability, and identifies progress quickly.

Productivity, security and technology are all remote work challenges that need attention. However, employees also need to feel engaged to do a good job.

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Have You Heard from Jim? Maintaining Engagement

The isolation of remote work takes its toll after a while. Before you know it, productivity takes a tumble. It’s why maintaining engagement is critical. Addressing this obstacle helps remote workers focus and do their job to the best of their ability.

5 Remote Work Challenges and How to Overcome Them
5 Remote Work Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Here are some ways to maintain engagement among employees who work from home: 

  • Communication is key. Use secure chat tools for simple exchanges. Do your research to determine what works best for your business, or ask Com Pro to assist you. 
  • Help remote workers reconnect with your organization’s purpose and values.
  • Give constructive feedback to encourage growth at your company. Use check-in meetings to exchange feedback and track progress. 

Feedback isn’t just for maintaining engagement. It’s also a great way to connect with remote workers and boost morale.

Is Meredith, ok? Keeping Up the Team’s Morale

Low morale affects not just productivity but the employee’s overall mental health. Sure, regular feedback helps, and communicating with coworkers and managers through chat apps makes people feel more connected. 

However, the best way to boost a team’s morale is to humanize the work culture by encouraging a healthy work-life balance. Employees need to see that they’re more than a cog in the machine. Here are some ideas to emphasize a healthy work-life balance and boost morale: 

  • Create a work from home policy that emphasizes a fixed schedule with consistent breaks and encourages employees to log off at the end of the workday.
  • Plan virtual social activities like team lunch breaks on video or online games. Celebrate milestones like birthdays or work anniversaries.
  • Organize in-person events like a holiday party or a summer picnic.

These virtual and in-person activities don’t create the same camaraderie as working in an office every day. However, they remind employees that they’re part of a team working towards a common goal.

Take on Work from Home Challenges by Being Proactive

Sooner or later, one if not all of these work from home challenges will pop up. Don’t wait for employees to come to you with their problems. It’s best to stay ahead and be proactive. 

Even organizations with the best workplace cultures experience work from home challenges. Technical, security, productivity, engagement and morale problems can rear their ugly heads at any time.

The best way to stay ahead of problems is to have the infrastructure, and part of that means enforcing a balanced work from home policy.

Another way to be proactive is to work with services like Com Pro Business to provide managed IT support.

With positive action, employees will remain at the top of their game even when they work from home.

Contact Com Pro Business and we’ll help you overcome remote work challenges by providing local Managed IT services for your Vancouver based business. Call 604-574-8623 or fill out the online form for more information.