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What You Need to Include in Your Work from Home Policy

In today’s world, employees can plug-in from just about anywhere to work. The pandemic has helped accelerate the adoption of a work from home policy by organizations big and small.

It’s hard to argue with the trend when it benefits both the employer and their employees. Employees eliminate their commute and experience a better work-life balance. Employers don’t need to pay for and maintain an office space. They can also attract top talent who prioritize working from home. However, there are challenges to employing a remote workforce.

Businesses have to apply strategies to create a secure environment. Employees must follow precautions to maximize security. Then there are concerns around productivity and employee engagement. But you can address these concerns with a thoughtful work from home policy.

Keep reading and we’ll help you get started with a few helpful guidelines on what to include in your work from home policy. Let’s discuss the policies that will create a secure, productive and engaged remote workforce for your organization.

A Key Element of a Work from Home Policy: Defining Work from Home and Your Purpose

Work from Home Policy Masthead Image

It’s essential to present the intent of your work from home policy. Include the goals you hope to achieve by providing opportunities to work from home.


Give information about the policy’s implementation and make the conditions clear from the start. Provide concrete answers to questions like:

  • Can the employee work from any location that they want?
  • Will employees work from home on specific days and times, and come into the office on specific days and times?
  • Who is eligible to work from home?
  • What’s the process for applying to work from home?

Promoting Productivity with Your Work from Home Policy

Working effectively with the rest of the organization requires employees to work from home to stay connected. Explain your expectations around the proper use of the communication tools your business has in place.

You can also define an expected time frame when responding to a manager or a colleague. Clarifying availability and response standards will avoid lost time waiting for responses.

Measuring Productivity

Your work from home policy should specify how you will measure remote workers’ productivity. The process can include a variety of metrics:

  • time spent on a project
  • number of cases handled
  • number of customer interactions

For long-term assessment, you can include goal-setting that employees can develop with their managers. Assessment tools and metrics will be different for each organization and position. You’ll need to decide what works best for your company.

Reporting Process

If you expect your employees to report to specific managers, include it in your policy. You should also define managers’ responsibilities to build and maintain a transparent and straightforward workflow with employees working from home.

Attendance and Availability Standards

Set standards around when and how your employees should be available when working from home. For example, do they need to follow the work schedules provided to them? Do they need to agree to work set hours?

Equipment, Tech Support and Software Requirements

Do you expect employees to use their laptops? Your policy should state what equipment, tech support and software you will offer to your remote employees. It should also outline what they are supposed to do when having technical difficulties.

Getting the right equipment and support can be a challenge. Look into Com Pro Business’ Managed IT Services  to support your remote workers, so you can focus on running your business.

How Will You Keep Employees Working from Home Engaged?

Employee Recognition

Proper reporting and productivity measures go hand in hand with employee recognition. Regular and timely feedback, as well as the appreciation of a job well-done, improves morale.

Team Building Expectations

Work from home employees can feel disconnected and isolated. Your work from home policy should outline your expectations related to on-site participation in team-building activities. It might not seem much, but the summer picnic, holiday get-together, puppy party or fall hayride can help work from home employees feel connected and remain engaged.

E-learning Opportunities

With all the time your employees save on commuting, managers can encourage e-learning opportunities. If you offer a tuition subsidy, discuss how to access it in your work from home policy, in addition to any parameters like proof of attendance, or completion.

Avoiding Security Scares with a Work from Home Policy

Safety, Insurance and Liability

Advise employees to choose a safe and secure location to work from and to maintain high safety levels. Make it clear that the company is only liable for injuries suffered in the pre-defined workspace during work hours only.

Your work from home policy should also state that the company’s insurance provider will cover only the equipment the company owns and has loaned to the employee.


If your employees use their private computers at home, include information on security precautions and software the employee must install on their computer to protect company information.

Suppose employees have access to a Virtual Private Network (VPN), state that they must use the VPN at all times during work hours, and under no circumstances may the VPN be used outside of work hours.

Outlining the Employee’s Role in Security in the Work from Home Policy

Working outside of the office presents several security risks. Staying vigilant and taking responsibility helps to reduce those risks.

For example, your policy should stipulate limitations on multiple users inside the home. You don’t want family members opening the wrong email and exposing your business to a cyberattack!

There are lots of risks to the security involved when employees are working outside of the office. But with a thoughtful work from home policy, you can create a secure environment with engaged and productive employees.

Com Pro Managed Business Solutions is here to help! We’ll help you make a secure remote work environment with our technical expertise and caring service through our Managed IT Services.