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Who We Are

Our people and culture

We recognize that bringing out the best in our team means creating opportunities for participation in activities outside the workplace. That’s why our team-based culture sees employee engagement extend beyond official job descriptions and work functions.

Our Culture

We recognize that bringing out the best in our team means creating opportunities for participation in activities outside the workplace. That’s why our team-based culture sees employee engagement extend beyond official job descriptions and work functions.

When we’re not busy delivering Managed Print or IT Solutions to our customers, you will often find the Com Pro team gathering to play sports such as racquetball, wally-ball, golf and hiking. They also participate in team events like go-karting, baseball games, soccer games and other events around town.

Our team members are also awarded paid days off to volunteer with their favourite local charities. To date, these charities have included Ride2Survive, a local Sikh temple, a local food bank, PoCo Soccer Association, local care homes and local churches. Learn more about our community involvement.

Our People

President – Mitch Clancey
Vice President – Mike Hamfelt

And a great team of service and support staff with the average tenure of 10 years!