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Why Should I Outsource My IT Services?

Why Should I Outsource My IT Services? Well, many businesses choose to partner with a managed service provider to handle their IT requirements because it’s a cost-effective, hassle-free way to manage IT. While you may be technically proficient, or even have an in-house IT technician who’s a computer wizard, as your company grows it could become more difficult to handle all your IT needs in-house. More importantly, it could become dangerous when you’re holding your customers’ sensitive data on cloud platforms.

But there are other reasons why you should outsource your IT Services and we’re listing a few below:

To save money

Rather than hiring and training full or part-time IT staff to manage and support certain aspects of your business, it’s usually more cost-effective to select a service provider who is an expert in that field… and has the staff to manage it. Hiring an in-house IT support manager can increase downtime and reduce efficiency.

Internal employees can get burnt out, take sick leave, or leave the company altogether. An MSP is always there and can assign a dedicated team of IT professionals who have the skills needed to solve issues quickly. It also costs more to hire, train, and retain your own full-time IT staff.

To make budgeting easier

Outsourcing IT creates cost savings. Unlike the billable hours of an in-house employee, which are highly variable and often unpredictable, an MSP will often have a defined monthly fee or flat up-front cost that covers all the necessary personnel and resources required to do the job. This makes it a predictable monthly expense for which you can easily budget and keeps your accounting team happy.

To reduce critical risk

You risk critical downtime if your in-house IT manager is off the clock, or worse, if they call in sick or quit unexpectedly. MSPs will provide as-needed, round-the-clock IT support for emergencies, whether that’s a massive security breach, or you accidentally saved your presentation for tomorrow somewhere… you just forget where, exactly. Additionally, their expertise, and industry-specific knowledge, will introduce you to new ways of lowering risk in the areas in which they serve.

To protect data

Whether you’re in processional services and handling the private data of your clients, or you’re a sales organization with thousands of customer credit cards on file, your data is important. And so is your reputation. Let a team of experts assume responsibility for providing critical infrastructure to keep you and your clients safe.

To improve business operations

Outsourcing your IT services can improve overall business operations. Yes, really! You’re inviting a third-party expert to review your existing processes and provide valuable insights. With fresh eyes, they can spot inefficiencies, tailor improvements for your unique industry or needs, and help to streamline your overall digital services.

To have access to full service, 24/7 support

Because a MSP manages their own staffing, you won’t have to worry about trying to train a new IT manager to understand your existing systems. Plus, you’ll have access to someone who understands your IT and business needs when you need them. That feels a whole lot nicer than needing to phone your employee from IT at midnight and hope he’s still awake because your server broke down again.

To leave in-house IT to manage strategic projects

We know what you’re thinking—you love your employees from IT! That’s fine, you can keep them! We promise you; they’ll love outsourced IT as well. Having a managed service provider means your existing IT team can focus on big picture strategic tech improvements, while your outsourced team can handle the monotonous daily activities and emergency support.

And if you’re still not sure if your company is ready, or unsure of what IT services should be kept in-house and what can be outsourced, read our blog post here for more on that.

Not convinced? Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s a great article from Forbes that lets you know some telltale signs you should probably be at least thinking about outsourcing your IT.

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