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Top Emerging Technology Trends of 2024

Emerging IT Trends Every Business Should Know (2024)

As the calendar flips to a new year, businesses and technology enthusiasts alike are keen to know what new IT and emerging technology will dominate in 2024. We’re leaving behind a year filled with advancements, and now it’s time to look at what’s next. Here’s a comprehensive look at the top IT trends that are expected to shape various sectors, from everyday life and work environments to global sustainability.

Generative AI: The New Age of Automation

This year, generative AI made headlines, seeping into applications that we use regularly. In 2024, this form of AI is expected to take a more central role in automating mundane tasks. From managing schedules to organizing projects, generative AI is like having a highly efficient assistant available round-the-clock. With 40% of enterprise applications estimated to come embedded with conversational AI by 2024, the utilization of generative AI will extend into various enterprise applications​​. However, it’s notable that generative AI may primarily be used for content creation rather than complex operations like manufacturing or supply chain​​.

Phygital Worlds: Where Physical Meets Digital

The term ‘phygital’ is a blend of ‘physical’ and ‘digital’, and it’s precisely what’s happening around us. The distinction between our physical world and digital experiences is becoming blurrier, thanks to augmented reality, virtual reality, and immersive internet experiences. For businesses, this translates into an opportunity to explore digital twins—virtual replicas of physical systems—to optimize real-world operations. The phygital convergence is not just a new technology in 2024; it’s the future of how businesses will operate.

Sustainable Tech: Green Is the New Black

Sustainability is more than just a trend; it’s a necessity. In 2024, sustainable technology is expected to be at the forefront of innovation. Whether it’s electric vehicles, carbon capture technologies, or green cloud computing, businesses have a smorgasbord of options to reduce their environmental footprint. However, it’s important to be aware of ‘greenwashing,’ a practice where companies superficially adopt green practices just for public relations. Genuine commitment to sustainability is going to be a significant business differentiator.

Cyber Resilience: Beyond Cybersecurity

With the increasing number of cyberattacks, cyber resilience is no longer optional but mandatory. This goes beyond just having strong firewalls and antivirus software. In 2024, businesses are expected to adopt a more holistic approach, incorporating AI and machine learning to automate threat detection and response. Companies must also prepare continuity measures for scenarios where systems are compromised. So, when considering emerging technology in the cybersecurity space, resilience planning is just as important as prevention.

Quantum Computing: The Frontier of Computation

While quantum computing has been around the block for some time, 2024 could be the year when it starts to show real-world utility. Quantum computing is expected to continue advancing, potentially solving problems that are currently unsolvable by classical computers. It’s projected to have applications in cryptography, drug discovery, and optimizing complex systems across various industries​​. However, it’s notable that Gartner did not feature Quantum Computing in its “2024 Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends” report, indicating a level of caution regarding its maturity or mainstream adoption as of 2024​​.

Ready to Lead in 2024?

The year ahead is teeming with opportunities for innovation, from the automation capabilities of generative AI to the interwoven realms of phygital experiences. Add to that the critical aspects of sustainability and cyber resilience, and it’s clear that 2024 will be a transformative year for technology. For businesses, this is not just a set of trends to watch but a roadmap for thriving in an increasingly complex environment.

If you’re a Canadian business aiming to stay at the forefront of these monumental shifts, Com Pro Managed Business Solutions is the partner you’ve been searching for. With a legacy of technological expertise and a pulse on emerging trends, we’re well-equipped to help you adapt, innovate, and excel. Why go it alone in navigating the maze of new technology in 2024 when you can have a seasoned IT partner by your side? Reach out to Com Pro today and let us help you set the pace in your industry.

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