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Boost Your Office Productivity in 7 Simple Steps

Boost Your Office Productivity

Studies show that an organized workspace leads to greater office productivity. In fact, your efficiency may have something more to do with your work environment and your workday habits than you think. And whether your workspace is a traditional office, or a revamped closet, it should be a place where things get done. So, let’s dive into these 7 tips to make your workspace or office more streamlined, more efficient, and more productive. 

So how do you make your office a lean, mean powerhouse? How do you encourage staff to make the best use of every workday, even if they work from home? We are talking about inspiring the kind of fiery can-do attitude that lifted us up during Gene Hackman’s speech in the movie, Hoosiers. 

But in the real world, there’s often a long list of ‘to-dos’ that can seem overwhelming. The phone’s always ringing, there’s meeting after meeting, deadlines for projects, the list goes on. It’s easy to get distracted, and you may think, how can I get it all done?

Our Blueprint for Boosting Office Productivity

Here’s a blueprint for success that can be applied to any work environment. Your home office too!

1. Create a Productive Atmosphere.

Setting is crucial. In any office, your work culture should be reflected in the décor, from the colours you choose for the walls and flooring, to the lighting and arrangement of plants. Visuals should inspire a feeling of comfort and ease, and the overall environment should encourage collaboration and social (or safe, socially distant) interaction. In a home office, find a dedicated workspace that you can arrange as if you were at the office. Keep your desk tidy and add pops of colour or some curated items (not cluttered items) to inspire creativity. 

2. Incorporate Exercise.

Exercise is always a great way to get you focused, energized and out of the midweek slump. Even a simple walk outside on your lunch hour, or a few simple desk exercises, can increase oxygen and blood flow to the brain (there are some neat office workout videos out there where all you need is your chair). It can also be a team building experience. Here at Com Pro, all of our in-office team members take a collective 10-minute stretch and flex time. It’s a great way for everyone to do some movement, connect with each other and chat about things outside of work. 

3. Quit Multi-tasking. 

Studies show that there’s no such thing as “effective multi-tasking” when it comes to the workplace. Splitting your focus and energy between tasks may seem like a time saver, but psychologists have found that it is more cognitively efficient to focus on one task at a time. It all comes down to time management. Leave yourself enough time to completely finish one task before moving onto the next. Organize your workweek by using a project calendar, planner, or to-do list. It will involve a bit of trial and error until you figure out your ideal workflow.

4. Streamline Systems and Processes.

Sometimes we get stuck in a rut and just get used to doing things a certain way, even if it’s not the most efficient. It’s best for management to routinely review internal processes and get ready to tweak them if they hamper employee productivity. Have procedures and tools that set your staff up for success. Procedures should make sense and should make the best use of company time. There’s nothing more frustrating and unproductive than spending half your workday completing redundant tasks when your time and talents could have been used elsewhere. 

5. Don’t Get Distracted by Emails

How many people spend half their workday replying to internal and external emails? Raise your hands. We’re certain most of you have your hands up right now. Emails can quickly become a black hole, sucking up time and attention that could be spent on more productive tasks. The best way to counteract this is to set clear boundaries around email use. Designate specific times to check email, such as 1 hour at the beginning and end of your workday. Better yet, use an app for quick communications with your co-workers, rather than using email.

6. Invest in Innovative Technology. 

Even the most efficient office worker can have their productivity blunted by technology that’s outdated, inefficient, or simply doesn’t work. If your team works from home, it’s even more important to have the right kind of IT systems and support so they can make the best use of office hours, instead of fiddling with malfunctioning tech. Use technologies that are geared to increase productivity, including apps, printers, and copiers, and replace old ones as needed. Don’t have time to maintain all your office hardware? Com Pro can make it easy to stay on top of all the latest upgrades as technology changes. 

7. Keep office equipment in good working order. 

Even the best office equipment can break down, though we all hope it doesn’t happen during office hours. There’s nothing more costly to a business’ productivity than downtime. Regular equipment maintenance can make the difference between frequent business interruptions, or rare equipment malfunctions. In fact, it might be a more efficient use of money and time to hire Managed Print professionals to take care of your equipment, so you can focus on more important tasks. Com Pro’s Focus CARE Programs help minimize downtime should something go wrong with your office hardware.  

Now you have the blueprint for boosting office productivity. Not all changes will take hold immediately. Rather, try making one small change at a time. It’s often better (and less daunting) than taking big leaps. With practice, these little changes can turn into habit, resulting in lasting changes to your workday practices and behaviours, which could pave the way to even greater achievements. 

Want to make your office a powerhouse of productivity? Learn more about our innovative business solutions for your office hardware and IT systems